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Finding this exact NGK BPR7HS sparkplug with both reasonable shipping time and cost was challenging, but WeBike delivered on both fronts. That's one of the primary reasons I chose to purchase it here.As expected, the sparkplug is a genuine NGK unit. There's not much more to say about it—it's a sparkplug, and it does its job perfectly.
Я купил эти свечи ngk, я еще не установил их, но я обязательно установлю их в следующем сезоне, они выглядят красиво и хорошо, я думаю, что они прослужат мне долго!View Detail
Отличная качественная свеча зажигания, покупалась для Suzuki ZZ, решил взять побольше калильное число, для эксплуатации в жару и на более высоких оборотах, проблем никаких не возникло за все время, свеча зарекомендовала себя отлично----------------------------------------------------------Excellent quality spark plug, was bought for Suzuki ZZ, decided to take a little more heat rating for operation in hot weather and at higher speeds, no problems have arisen for all time, the candle has proved itself perfectlyPowered by Google TranslatorView Detail
Заказывал вместе с ремнем ради интереса , что бы сравнить с тем , что продают у нас . Все один в один и штрих коды и упаковка.Ordered with a belt for the sake of interest, what would be compared to what they sell from us. All one-to-one and barcode codes and packaging.(Translated by Google translation)View Detail
It is a reliable NGK product. The price is low and the performance is reliable. No starting problems. Replacement, but ADDRESS V100 has a Plug in the back if you look at it from under the Right. I was able to replace it without removing any of the surrounding parts. (Ratchet-type tools will not fit, so an old-fashioned plug wrench is required.) It is a 2-stroke so I will replace it every 3000 km. Thank God it's cheap!View Detail
I think most people search by part number, but please stop using a representative image for the Plug picture because it is confusing. Also, please explain the presence or absence of the Cap of the Screw part not only by describing it in Text, but also by using the product image.
I thought that it would be kind to users of old foreign cars (such as Harley) if there was not only the NGK-DENSO Plug part number comparison table, but also the comparison table of the Plug of foreign manufacturers such as Champion and Bosch.View Detail
Fits: HONDA CBR1000RR 04-07 SC57 reimport [displacement]1000 [number of units required]4, HONDA CBR1000RR 04-08 SC57 Domestic model 04.4-08.7 [displacement]1000 [number of units required]4, HONDA CBR600RR 05-08 Reimport [displacement]600 [number of units required]4
Fits: HONDA DIO 04-07 Smart Dio Z4 FI AF63 04.2-07 [Displacement]50 [Required Number]1, HONDA GYROX 08-21 TD02 08.3- [displacement]50 [number of units required]1, HONDA GYRO CANOPY50 08-20 TA03 08.3- [Displacement]50 [Required number of units]1
Fits: YAMAHA BOLT 14-21 VN04J [displacement]950 [number of units required]2, YAMAHA MAJESTY250 07- Injection specification SG20J 07.5- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA MAXAM 05- CP250 SG17J(-'07 ・SG21J('07-) 05.4- [displacement]250 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY400 05-08 5RU9、 SH04J 05.3-08.3 [displacement]400 [number of units required]1, YAMAHA GRAND MAJESTY 04- 5VG1/5VG2 [displacement]250 [number of units required]1
Fitted to my 1700 miles Honda MSX (Jc92) and it starts easily on first press. Running feels smoother and a little more power. Old factory spark plug was fine when I removed it so it is not a case of worn old plug. This is indeed better. View Detail
Best fit for my CB 400SF. After using this spark plug, I feel the fuel consumption is increased. and smooth running. I didn't have an original part before like this and I think I wouldn't change these forminimum 5 years.View Detail
2nd set of KN Planning rollers I got. Have tried 6 g, but 7 g (this order) seems like an excellent balance between top-speed and accelleration for the SA10J. Had no difficulties installing, nor with use. I just wish KN Planning added a lubricant but it is cheap enough on its own.As for wear, I can't speak of it since I'm at 250 km as of this writing. Old 6 g set I have is still usable though and that one I believe has had some 1000-2000 km on it.View Detail
This is my second NTB v-belt, with the first one lasting a little over 10,000 km before replacement. It still looks good, but I decided to get a new one just in case.Anyway, this is basically the same with the previous 795Y model I got locally, even the stitching has the same color. Currently on its first 250 km, along with a new clutch (KN Planning) and rollers (also KN Planning), all bought from WeBike.On that note, this has been shipped around the holiday season but I still got it in time.I have nothing else to say. Seems like a really well-made variator belt for its price.View Detail
No idea what kind of plastics or polymer the pieces are made out of, but they seem durable.Pretty much fixed the noise issue on the pulley, but I think it is a combination of new sliders and rollers (KN Panning 7g set).No issue with installation. Just make sure you have the OEM plate for Vino 50 2T because I tried intalling this on the Jog 50's and it didn't work.WeBike shipped this fast, took just days compared to some items I ordered from big online shops during the holidays.View Detail
The build quality is impressive and seems durable.Compared to the already worn OEM clutch, this one feels much safer to use.Installation was straightforward. Just make sure to follow the service manual instructions.I reviewed other clutch parts before making this purchase. Admittedly, I chose this one due to its affordability.Fast shipping from WeBike as usual.No concerns so far, but I still need to break it in further.View Detail
Good quality and gloss texture finish. It is okay to use as is, but I have to file-down the headlight beam switch hole to perfectly match the OEM's play. Easy to install, but I like to match it with the OEM so it took me an hour to process and match everything.Very good price. Trouble of doing some filing, polishing, etc makes it a worthwhile purchase.As usual, WeBike shipped it fast and secure.Only concern are the tolerance around the edges meeting the lower OEM switch box cover. Had to put silicon to make sure it is sealed from elements.View Detail